31 December 2015

Alvin and The Chipmunks : The Road Chip (Movie Review)

So, yesterday this movie just came out here, and I've been waiting for it. I don't want to spoil anything so, I;m just going to tell you what I fell while watching the movie. It was great. I laugh a lot. And feels like I want to get up from my seat and dance because the songs are so great. The story is light, as an adult maybe you can guess where the storyline going to but it still great to have them joking around and sing. But, seriously I have to mention it again that they have lots of great songs. Uptown Funk is my favorite one! I actually don't really like that song, but I think chipmuks sings it better :) I recommend this movie, especially if you're looking for some movies that have lots of great songs and jokes, you have to watch this.

16 July 2015

beauty and fashion expert on youtube

Hi hi, welcome again to my blog! I've told you the other day that I will share my favorite beauty and fashion youtubers that I like to you guys, so today I'll go ahead and tell you about them. You know there are a lot of beauty and fashion youtubers or even blogger out there, and I feel like lot of them really help me to make my style better from time to time. But there are some of them who become my favorite because of somethings like I like how they edit their videos, or the way that they talk. anyway, let's get started!

1. clothesencounters
So, the first one is clothesencounters. This youtube channel belongs to Jenn Im. Actually I found her channel by accident. I searched how to lose weight and I found her video about how she lost her weight. Her video was inspiring for me because she told me things that make sense for me and she make me want to try her tips.

After that I was surfing more about her and I found that she is doing some make up tutorials and outfits diaries too. I really like the way she talk in her videos, she seems like to talk with me as a friend :) Another reason is I really like her style. She's Korean so her style maybe little more like another korean fashion right now but, that's really cool and she helps me a lot to know more about fashion. I also like how she edited her videos lately. It is super cool :) I never miss her videos and still look forward for a new one! 
Go subscribe her at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgWfS_47YPVbKx5EK4FLm4A

2. From Head To Toe
The next youtuber that I want to talk about also called Jen. She is the owner of From Head To Toe youtube channel. She is really pretty and She also come from Korean family. What I like about her is the way she talk. I really love how she explain about every product that she loved and she even talk about everything during her tutorials. I also like her videos about sensitive skin (because I have sensitive skin too) and her tips are helping me a lot because her skin is oily and sensitive, just like my skin. Her style is also so cool. Psssst, She also play on a Wong Fu production's short movie called 'Away We Happened'. And I like the movie because she was playing with Victor Kim, who's been my favorite youtubers too cause he is really hot :) hahahaha
check her channel, it is pretty awesome! Go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCecyOxHZpL3yfNFaUz2W_Ow

3. RachhLoves
Actually, I just found her channel not long ago. I just subscribe her and I found her very funny. haha I found her from another beauty youtuber, MissJenFABULOUS who I will tell you later. But, even I just found her I think that I really like her videos. She is Canadian and she's very funny. I like how she review about some products that she used, what works or not. The way she talk is really like she talk about some products to her close friend and it just so nice to have a very straight opinion about a product from an ordinary buyer like her. But what's not work for me is she has a pale skin and I don't so sometimes her makeup tutorials just don't really match my skin, but, it still okay for me.
I bet you'll love her too, so check her channerl at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK-4JyAcQYBasFAe367on7w

4. Michelle Phan
Michelle Phan is one of beauty youtubers that really success in her career. She is now has her own beauty line called EM-Cosmetics. She is cool because she really know how to edit her videos which is always awesome for me :) Actually, I like her vlog videos more than her tutorials, because I think her tutorials are really heavy and I don't really like it, but how she talk about trends and another thing are really great. She also has another bussiness that she just started and it is IPSY studios. It is a studio for some new beauty blogger or youtuber. They pack some products into a box (just like another beauty box in the other brand) and send them to the beauty bloggers or youtubers and they let them review what tey get. It is pretty awesome, but the boxes are expensive for a college ordinary girl like me. haha anyways, it is a great channel too!
find her at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuYx81nzzz4OFQrhbKDzTng

5. Asian beauty secrets
Actually I don't really know if this channel is made by her only or a company, but the girl who's always there in the videos called Mia. And actually I don't really like her tutorials too because the make up is too heavy for me. But the thing I really like about the channel is they talk a lot about tips, not just beauty tips but healthy tips too. And they also make a connection to the chinese traditional things like acupressure or face mapping. It is also great to know like pressure points to relieve pain or what. This channel is really full of asian beauty secrets.
discover their secrets at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8f2CDyLibpGYSN3O2LfDwg

So, actually I found her because of her nail tutorials. All I know her name is Jen. (Why they are a lot of great beauty and fashion youtubers that called Jen?) I really like nail tutorials on youtube because it is easier to learn by videos. I have some youtubers that really helps me with their nail tutorials (I think I will talk about them later). She did a lot of nail tutorials that really easy and cool, and the great thing is in one videos sometimes she is doing 2 or 3 nail art tutorial at once, great huh? Because the other youtubers only upload one tutorial in one video. Lately I found that she also did a products review and tutorials. Again, I don't really like her tutorials because it is too heavy for me, but her reviews are still good and fabulous.
find her fabulousness at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT27sjmi4NEYRBIRf-fmgow

7. Jaaackjack
Next, I want to talk about the youtube channel that belongs to Jackie. She has lots of tutorials, products reviews, outfits diaries and unboxing videos. Her tutorials are cool, but I found that I really like her unboxing beauty box videos. I don't know why, but I think I found that watching her unboxing the beauty box cool down my curiousity about the beauty box. I actually really want to purchase one, but I don't think that things will really work for me (I mean, I have to pay a lot for a lot of products that I may not like, so..). I also love her hair tutorials. She just so great with hair tutorials especially with extention. I also like her style because she is not really thin like the other youtubers. Her body I think just like mine, so she could become an inspiration for my style.
Curious about her? find her at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPj321_mfmcX2r1f8q5erA

8. Carrie Rad
I really just found her channel but I think she is really cool. Like other beauty and fashion youtuber of course her channel full of tutorials and outfits diaries. But she also did some tips, some vlogs and also she talk about foods too which is awesome. I think I can found lots of things on her youtube channel.
subscibe her at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyee8AQyV6g2SGwRjghFb_g

9. Kayley Melissa
I also found her just not long ago. From all beauty and fashion youtubers that I like, she is the only one that just did hair style tutorials. I really like her videos because she is doing it really great. I really want to make great hairstyle like her. She is doing her hairstyle by herself and it literally looks really easy on her hand.
find out about her more at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCctjAAIUSW3DRS-5Phh_hgQ

So that's all the beauty and fashion youtubers that I subscribe. I hope this is helping you if you're looking for a great youtubers to be subsribed or if you want to find great tutorials on youtube. You know they are a lot of tutorials out there and it is really hard to find tutorials that literally describe what you want, right? :)

12 July 2015

Things you have to know about: 1. BAPER

Hi! :) so here I'm doing my new story called "things you have to know about: ..." and I'm starting with a very popular word in the house right now, which is BAPER.
Some of you might say "Baper emang lagi zaman sekarang ini" and I think it is true. Lots of people talked and still talking about this baper thing, so it's kinda popular right now. Trust me, everyone had experienced this thing that we called baper. So, for some people who don't know what baper is, I'm here to tell you.
Baper adalah singkatan dari bawa perasaan.
Kata ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan perasaan di mana lo terlalu menganggap serius sesuatu.
contoh: 1. ketika lo jalan sama temen-temen lo. Terus ada teman lo yang cowok (in this case karena gue cewek) nganterin lo pulang dan lo mikirin itu, that means lo baper. 2. ketika lo buat status di segala medsos yang lo punya terus cowok yang lo suka ngelike dan lo ga bisa tidur gara-gara itu, that means lo baper tingkat tinggi.
But, baper is not always about love and relationship. Dalam kamus gue, baper itu juga berlaku buat hal-hal lain. contoh: lo lagi kerja kelompok, terus ide lo ga dipake buat presentasi dan lo ngambek gara-gara itu, ya itu lo juga baper.

Nah yang mau gue omongin di sini lebih ke buat relationship and love :) gue mau ngomongin kenapa sih cewek (I'm taking is as a girl, I don't know if a boy does anything like this too) suka baper ke cowok?
1. Gue pernah baca quote yang bilang: "cewek ga bakal baper kalo cowok ga caper". I'm not telling you this is true, but sometimes it happen. Ada banyak cewek di luar sana yang sebenernya cool-cool aja tapi karena ada yang dengan intens caper sama dia ya dia jadi baper. Masalahnya emang ada cowok yang beneran baik dan perhatian ke semua orang dan cewek-cewek sering salah tangkep. Ya ini nih yang bikin baper jadi masalah.

2. Teori gue yang sudah terujicoba berulang kali: Cewek ga bakal baper if she never think that a boy is cute or interesting or anything that catch their attention. Cewek yang baper sama cowok pasti udah merasa (walau sedikit) penasaran sama cowok yang dia baper-in. Kenapa gue bisa bilang gitu? Well, banyak cewek itu baper tentang masalah-masalah kecil kayak dichat, dilike fotonya atau statusnya, dianter pulang, dibayarin makan. Nah, ada beberapa kemungkinan yang bisa bikin cewek ga baper sama hal-hal kecil itu. Pertama, ketika cewek udah biasa ngeliat si cowok melakukan hal yang sama ke orang lain. That means you already know that he's a good guy, jadi lo ga baper karena toh dia juga baik ke semua orang kan? Kedua, ketika si cewek bener-bener ga suka sama cowok itu. Yeah, if they don't have any interest anything you would do won't affect them. Rasanya ya kayak ngomong ke diri sendiri "enggaklah, itu emang dia kayak gitu orangnya". But in fact, bisa aja cowok itu beneran ngelakuin itu buat dia aja. But she doesn't want to know. Nah buat yang udah pernah dia lirik walaupun sedikit itu kalo ngelakuin sedikit hal aja bisa berefek lebih besar buat si cewek. Kalo si cewek buat status dan dilike sama yang emang pernah dia lirik, kemungkinan besar, dia bakal baper. Tapi buat yang ga dia suka, even if he chat her everyday, everytime, she won't be baper. Jadi kalo cewek itu baper, maybe she really like this guy, or she hope this guy to like her.

To be honest, ya gue juga pernah baper. Tapi itu dulu. Haha. Now, I'll show up as a though lady. :P Baper itu malah memperkeruh suasana kadang-kadang buat gue. Ehm, enough about me and now I'm talking to you what you have to do if you feel baper. I'm not saying that baper is not good but, I think you should consider more about what you shold be baper-ing about. Maksud gue, kalo emang lo baper cuma karena hal-hal kecil yang maybe orang lain aja ga bakal notice it as a great thing, than you shold quit baper-ing. Sekedar dilike postnya itu menurut gue ya lumayan biasa. If you post a really hurting status and he just liking it, you don't have to baper-ing about that. If he really care about you he will ask you by chat or even a call. I'm just telling you what works for me: when I think I am getting baper about something, I start to think about that deeply. Should it really worth buat di baper-in? Kalo enggak, stop baper itu. Yes, I'm not that expert at dating and relationship things, but at least I want to live as a happy person. I know when I baper-ing something I feel like I think too much about it and it is not good. So, if it is not worth to be baper-ed you should not be baper about it. Quite simple, huh? :)

11 July 2015

life goals (?)

so, hi hi people :) hehe it's H-11 going back to Jogja and I have a lot to tell you. I don't know where to start (soalnya 11 hari lagi gue ga bakal punya internet cepet yang dapat mengakomodasi terjaminnya isi blog gue ini haha). so, let me start with my goals this year. we haven't meet since forever, which is more than a year, and I haven't told you about my life goals this year. okaay, so last christmas I couldn't go home because I have a lot to do in Jogja. My first goal this year is get a lot of activities that I could do. I want to have a very tight days in my week so I don't have to think about missing home or other useless things. yeah, it's work! last 6 months I've been busy all the time and I can't even have a break just to buy some groceries. pretty busy, huh? I took a lot of responsibilities that made me too busy so I couldn't go out with some of my friends too. that affect my sleeping pattern too. I have little time to sleep and sometimes I have hard time to concentrate in class. I know that's hard for me, but I love being busy, so, I'm happy :) am I? :')
The second goal is I wanna be my truly self. I mean, not that all this time I lied about who I am. but I just feel that I've been hiding in my comfort zone. I think and do things that I think will make me stay in my comfort zone. I just do not want to do that anymore. I'm 20 right now, and I have to act like I'm 20. so I take my responsibilities to show what person I've hide before. you know, I like to lead, I mean I can take a responsibility as a leader. so I took that responsibility. I become a leader of an event. not a big event, but I know this is just like an opening to show what I've got.
Third is I want to be prettier. LOL, but this real. I know that I already told anyone that everyone is beautiful but I want to have my own style to get into it. so, I'm trying to get my eyes on some beauty bloggers and youtubers. I think I'm going to tell you about these girls later :)
And this is my last goal : accept my past. I want to look forward and just look back my past for my good. I want to take my past as a lesson not as a regret. I want to believe that everything in my past have their part to make me as me today. so, here I am, enjoying myself as a teacher wannabe. yess, I'm ready to be a teacher. but not a usual teacher, a rocking teacher that have a busy schedule, accept herself, and mature enough to accept everything happened in her past. Also, I want to be a stylish teacher :) hahaha. I'm getting ready for the next semester! 

03 July 2015


so, I'm going to tell you a review about a movie that I've watched. I just watched this movie like a month ago, when I was in the middle of examination. Actually I was a bit curious about the title. what is the meaning of "The DUFF"? and I can found the answer in the movie. Actually this movie is more suitable for high school students (especially girls). This movie is very girly, like mean girls and legally blond. But it has a new spark that you won't see. I think it is about insecurity. It has a very great moral value I think. haha lots of girls have been talked about this issue before.
Actually I don't really like the main character because she seems like a drama queen who I think not that 'real' because she has a real two have-everything girl friends. It is just not make sense, how come they could become friends? She just lack of everything I thought. Yes, and I don't really like the ending too. It is sweet like the other girly movies, too mainstream I think. Yeah, like everyone knows the girl will get the most famous guy in the entire school. But it is great cause it has some value in it. anyways, just watch it yourself, maybe you'll get the value more deeper than what I've got. :)

02 July 2015

terjebak di rumah

lucu banget sih ceritanya ini gue mau curhat. Kemaren gue udah berusaha sekuat tenaga (lebay) buat nyari tiket pulang. Maunya gue kan pulang ke Jogja tanggal 9 Juli, tapi masalahnya tiket kereta udah abis sampe habis lebaran. GILAAAK. Awalnya gue beneran bingung karena gue ada jadwal latihan PSM dan ngurusin beberapa usda buat acara kampus. Tapi setelah konsultasi dengan berbagai pihak (ceilaah) kayaknya gue harus stay di rumah sampe habis lebaran itu.
Sebenernya gue bingung banget sih kenapa lebaran itu selalu identik dengan mudik. Gue kan juga ga ngerayain lebaran ya, jadi gue ga terlalu ngerti tradisi-tradisi begituan. Ya yang gue bingung sebenernya gimana mereka bisa pulang kampung bareng-bareng habis itu balik lagi ke kota bareng-bareng juga. Mungkin malah bisa satu kereta sama yang kemaren. Kan lucu aja, hahahaha
Intinya adalah gue bisa lebih lama di rumah yang kalo dipandang dari sisi positif adalah rejeki anak sholeh yang ga boleh ditolak. haha
Ini juga mungkin sebagai bentuk teguran dari Tuhan supaya gue istirahat sebentar. Semester depan itu gue sibuknya bukan main.. Gue pulang Jogja nanti aja gue harus udah ngejar latihan buat konser PSM. Awal Agustus udah mulai rapat Story Telling. September gue harus ngurusin PAB PSM, Oktober awal Story Telling and Writing Competition, Oktober akhir ngurusin seminar, November awal konser. Yes, I'm supeeeeerrr busyyyy. Jadi sekarang saatnya gue liburan dulu. semangaaaaat! hehehehe

24 June 2015

I'm back

oh gosh, after all this time I left my blog I'm back! hahaha.. I think my blog already had some nest and spiderweb on it. blaaah
after a year, I have a lot to tell you guys. I don't know where to start.
So here I am, standing as a future's teacher. Yup, this time is real. I finally realize that being a teacher is a great deal and I will dedicate myself to being one. haha
And I am 20 years old right now, which make me more confident and mature (I think) haha. Nothing I can't do to make time stop so I have to accept that I am OLD, haha not that old, but yeah..
So this is the intro, I'll meet you guys like tomorrow! haha.. too much to say.

16 June 2014

golput (?)

Banyak orang yang bilang kalo golput itu ga baik. kalo menurut gue, golput itu pilihan. dan itu mungkin juga akan jadi pilihan gue. kalo ditanya kenapa, gue bakal jawab dengan penjelasan panjang lebar kayak gini:

PERTAMA, gue pikir gue masih dibawah umur. emang sih gue udah 19 tahun, udah punya KTP tapi kalo diliat kan gue belom dewasa buat nentuin pilihan sendiri. ya sebenernya ga terlalu ngaruh banget sih umur gue berapa, tapi masalah yang paling penting adalah di umur segini ini gue belom bisa berpenghasilan sendiri dan otomatis gue masih dibiayain orangtua. nah, that's the problem. karna gue (istilahnya) masih bergantung sama orangtua otomatis mereka sedikit banyak akan mempengaruhi gue dalam memilih. well, gak semua orang kayak gitu tapi pasti ada yang kayak gue lah. I won't lie that they try to persuade me to vote someone. itulah yang gue ga suka. selama lo belom kerja, orangtua itu bakal berpengaruh besar banget. kalo udah kerja kan lo bakal mikirin apa ngaruhnya capres mana yang lo pilih buat kerjaan lo, atau buat cicilan rumah lo nanti, atau apa kebijakan dia bikin pendidikan anak-anak lo nantinya lebih maju. mungkin sekarang juga kalo gue milih gue bakal sedikit mikirin apa ngaruhnya kalo capres itu jadi presiden buat hidup gue tapi kan ga bakal sedalem itu. ya kalaupun gue bakal milih nantinya, gue ga mau itu cuma gara-gara orangtua gue yang gembar-gemborin capres itu di depan gue.

KEDUA, I don't think ada calon yang ngena di hati gue sekarang ini. they great, tapi gue belom bisa nilai mereka bener-bener secara objektif karena di luaran itu beritanya banyak yang ngejelek-jelekin mereka. here's my opinion about them (banyak pengaruh dari berita yang gue baca juga nih): ada calon presiden yang dikabarin ikut gitu waktu insiden 98. gue ga tau sih itu bener apa enggak (my brother said that he admitted it on the debat capres, tapi gue ga nonton debatnya jadi gue ga tau. hehe). ada calon presiden yang dibilang capres boneka. katanya sih dia itu kalo jadi presiden bakal cuma ngikutin perintah orang yang ada di belakangnya. gue juga ga tau sih ini bener apa enggak, tapi kan dengan adanya kabar kayak gitu jadi bikin kita mikir dan agak ragu gitu. kalo pandangan gue itu capres-capres ini ga terlalu sesuai sama harapan gue. gue masih ga bisa percaya sama yang satu karna masa lalunya itu masih terlalu simpang siur dan ga ada orang yang bisa menjamin dia ga akan ngelakuin hal yang sama kayak gitu lagi nanti kalo dia beneran jadi presiden. terus gue nganggep yang satunya itu ga setia. kalo dia setia harusnya dia ga ninggalin jakarta. masih banyak banget yang harus dibenahin di jakarta... yang jelas gue udah seneng banget dia bisa benahin jakarta, tapi kan jakarta masih butuh dia, ga bisa ditinggalin gitu aja. itu namanya mah php pak! hahaha... yang jelas gue sebenernya ga mau punya presiden yang ga bisa senyum sama sekali. tapi gue juga ga mau punya presiden yang malah terlalu banyak nyengir. sebenernya loh ya, tapi kan salah satu dari mereka beneran bakal jadi presiden kita nanti.

banyak kan yang ngepost foto gini tapi secara gue masih ga tau milih siapa ya foto ini yang gue upload. haha

Cuma itu sih. hehehehe gue di sini bukan mau jadi orang yang mempengaruhi orang lain buat golput ataupun ngajak orang buat milih. itu murni pilihan kalian sendiri. tapi ada satu hal yang jelas harus kita lakuin pas pemilu nanti yaitu dateng ke tps dan nyoblos. kalo lo emang mau golput, golputlah dengan tetap datang dan nyobloslah dengan tidak sah. itu sih yang mau gue lakuin pas pemilu kalau emang gue beneran jadi golput. katanya sih itu buat meminimalisir penyalahgunaan kertas suara. tapi yang jelas gue juga ga mau nyia-nyiain kesempatan pertama gue buat dateng ke tps dan nyoblos (whether itu sah atau ga sah) dan nyelupin jari gue ke tinta. hehe, mungkin it sounds cheesy tapi ya itu bakal jadi pengalaman lucu tersendiri :)
ok, last statement: kalo lo mau milih pastiin lo milih capres itu bukan karna paksaan dari oranglain, itu harus murni pilihan lo sendiri. terus lo juga harus tau gimana kinerjanya selama ini dan apa yang mau dia buat kalo dia kepilih nanti. selamat memilih!

01 June 2014

1st june, one year ago...

Hey June, what's up? It's been a year. yeah I know.. It's been a year since I made the most horrible mistake I've ever did. a year ago, this morning suppose to be one of the most wonderful morning in my life. I've graduated form high school and this day is my graduation day. I did my make up, did my hair, dressed up and came to my school with a proud that I could survive these exhausting years. And then I took pictures, wore my medals, and here comes the worst part: I was arguing with my mom just because even I've graduated from high school I still didn't know where would I go after high school. I didn't know what to do. I was not accepted in public university, and I was still hurt about that. Music education? It's a dream major for me. I really really really-like reaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyy- want to go there. Or visual design, another dream major for me which I think I'm not that great for this major. The thing is what should I say if they didn't accept me? And because I was still hurt, I didn't apply to another universities. That thing made my mom upset. She wanted me to at least apply to any university. So I cried and just submitted my application. I missed the after-graduation photoshoot, I even didn't get my yearbook because I got to rush to apply my application. And what I did wrong was the way I chose my major. You all know I'm not happy with my major right now (well a little happy, like 8,9% of 100% and I think the number will raise in time), and why I chose this elementary school teacher education is just because of my mom. I know she was so dissapointed with me and I just want to make her proud. She was a elementary school teacher once, so I know she will be happy if I resuming her stride by do what she ever done. And why I didn't choose the other major is because I think I will be bored. Every other major in college make you study the spesific things about the major itself. I can't stand it if I have to study 'just' english or 'just' math or 'just' physics everyday in my college life =__=" Gawd, I will puked every single day. In this major I will study a lot of things. Like now, I got a fine art course, math course, english course, physics course, physicological course and so much more. I never get bored because we learn so much different things in the whole semester, isn't that great? So, yes.. I'm a lot better now. I can (like a little) accept my destiny that I belong here.
Through this problem, I learned that God always has a better plan. He would never made me sick in the middle of my final examination without any purpose. He would never made me accepted in a private university, not in a public university without any reason. He would never made me chose this damn-but-great major without something for me to learn. So, I'm letting go what happened a year ago. with these tears falling, I'm starting a new step on my life without regrets. my life's great.... every little tiny tiny things makes my life greater!
another great thing to learn is: "If you want something, You'll find a way. If not, You'll find an excuse. A great one." 

04 May 2014

happy birthday lilis! #latepost

hampir seminggu yang lalu (selasa tanggal 29 April) lilis ulang tahun. dari kemaren emang mau ngepost, tapi karena banyak hal yang harus dikerjakan jadi ga sempet2.. hehe maaf ya lis :)

awal ketemu sama lilis itu waktu krs-an. awalnya tak kira anaknya diem-diem innocent gitu. apalagi orang jawa barat, jadi macem yang geulis kalem gitu. lah pas kenal ternyata... GILAK ABIS! hahahah ternyata kita tuh satu kelompok insadha, bedanya dia gelombang 1, aku gelombang dua. gara2 itu jadilah kita deket ber3: aku, melati sama lilis. (melati juga satu kelompok sama kita ternyata)
Setelah kenal lilis, dia itu anaknya heboh banget! ga bisa diem kayak cacing kepanasan. tapi lilis kalo lagi ngambek, yaowoooh serem abis! dia pernah marah sama aku dan melati karena sesuatu hal dan sumpah kita didiemin gitu. hmmmm. dia juga akhir-akhir ini suka nge-bully aku T__T lilis itu anaknya ceria banget. dan enak banget buat diajak ngobrol! koplaklah pokoknya. ketawa terus bawaannya kalo sama lilis itu.. dia juga penyembuh galaunya gia. hahaahahahah :) Intinya makasih bangetlah lis, you've made my day more brighter and you always will *ceilaaah* haahah.. I hope you'll never change and still be my best best friend eveeeer :**

Terus ceritanya hari selasa kemaren itu kita bikin surprise gitu. kita dateng ke kost lilis jam 9an terus bawa kue dan maksudnya mau bagunin dia. eh pas kita masuk kamarnya dia malah ga ada dan lagi mandi. yaudah kita nunggu di kamarnya deh. mana dia mandi lama. hahahaah. waktu dia masuk kamar kita langsung ngagetin dia gitu. nyanyi happy birthday dan dia tiup lilin. hehehe. terus kamis kemaren kita balik lagi ke kostnya buat ngasih kado. :) mungkin dadakan banget tapi sangat menyenangkan buat kita semua. hahaha
Anyway, happy birthday ya lilis cantiiiiiiik! :) semangat jadi calon ibu guruuuu! semoga lilis bisa lebih dewasa, lebih koplak dan yang jelas tetep jadi sahabat yang baik buat aku dan melati. LOVE YOU! :*********** XOXOXOXO

15 April 2014

wish you a very happy birthday ikeeeeee!

sakjane ike ultah kemaren sih tapi ya gapapa :) hehe baru sempet maap ya ke :P
kemaren itu ike ulangtahun dan sebenernya dia udah mau kita kerjain habis-habisan, tapi masalah utamanya adalah dia lagi sakit (ngakunya masih sakit). nah jadilah kita (aku, ova, riri) ke rumah ike pagi-pagi jam 6 demi buat surprise :) (foto menyusul yaaa.. hehe) awalnya tuh udah merasa hampir gagal karena aku ada kuliah jam 7 dan jam setengah 7 riri belum dateng. -__- tapi untungnya dia cepet dateng dan kita langsung menjalankan misi >> bangunin ike. waktu kita buka pintu kamarnya, ike reflek langsung noleh gitu. katanya sih dia udah denger kita bisik-bisik. ckck tapi karna dia masih ga mau bangun, riri narik-narik ike sampe dia bangun dan mau keluar kamar. :) haha habis tiup lilin kita sempet ngobrol bentar habis itu karna aku mau kuliah kita langsung bubaran deh. hahaha

aku temenan sama ike itu udah mau 3 tahun. kelas satu sih kita ga saling kenal. awal kelas 2 juga aku masih ga deket sama ike. tapi kelas dua akhir sampe sekarang ike jadi temen yang enak banget diajak ngobrol. mungkin karena kita punya mood yang hampir hampir sama, kadang sama-sama lemot, perfectionis (lebih parah ike jauuuuh sih. haha), dan suka nonton :) ike tuh kadang ngeselin, tapi ya ngeselinnya itu yang bikin kangen. siapa sih yang ga kesel denger ike yang ga dapet sesuatu ngomong "pokoknya aku mau itu.. aku mau itu gi.." -___-" 
yang jelas temenan sama ike itu harus sabar. hahaha yang keren dari ike itu dia cepet adaptasi sama orang, percaya atau enggak dia sama osi (sama kita juga sih) waktu semester 1 kelas 2 tuh masih kayak orang gak kenal. video osi ulang tahun aja ike di belakangnya cuma tidur-tiduran ngeliatin. eh semester 2 dia udah deket banget sama osi  (sama kita juga...) bahkan main ece-ecean, kepang-kepangan, sampe ikut ngebully bareng.. hahaha
yang jelas ike itu jago banget dalam hal membully orang. segala macem orang bisa kali dia bully, bahkan aku sering banget dibully. menurutku ike juga orang yang punya pendirian kuat. dia dari awal udah milih farmasi dan aku ga pernah denger ike pengen pindah prodi gara-gara di farmasi susah. dia ngeluh sih (ya kapan sih ike ga ngeluh? haha) tapi dia tetep ngejalanin itu dengan bahagia (sejauh yang aku liat) dan dia ga pernah galau pindah prodi atau berenti kuliah kayak aku.. ike tuh juga orangnya rajin (ga pake banget ya) dan teratur. dia pelupa tapi justru ke-pelupa-annya dia itu yang bikin hidupnya teratur. apa-apa dicatet sama ike. hahaha.
ike itu salah satu orang berjasa dalam hidup aku. apalagi ike yang rekomendasiin kostku sekarang (jadi kan deket kalo mau main-main rumah ike. hahaha). karna kostku yang cuma se-ngesot-an ke rumah ike itulah yang bikin kita tambah deket. dulu semester satu hampir tiap hari dalam satu minggu aku ke rumah ike. entah nonton, ngobrol, makan, ngerjain tugas, bahkan nginep. semester 2 ini ike sibuk sih (aku juga sibuk sih :P) jadi frekuensi main ke rumah ike jadi berkurang. kalo pun main pasti malem-malem (bisa pulang jam 11 bahkan 12 malem) hehe.. ngobrol sama ike mah ga ada matinya! hehe gara-gara ike juga aku jadi suka nonton film detektif gitu. ya bayangin aja, aku yang dulu parnoan nonton film darah-darah sekarang udah biasa, gara-gara siapa? ike lah. terus aku juga tau 'How I Met Your Mother' dari ike :) apalagi ya? too much to say nih...

pokoknya aku seneng bangetlah bisa punya sahabat baik kayak ike.. kyaaaa so sweet ya. hahaha btw ke, kamu kok di hampir setiap foto merem ya? hahaha

anyway, Happy birthday dear Ineke Andrayani :) wish you all the best! be a professional pharmacist, be a better person! :*********** {}