Hi! :) so here I'm doing my new story called "things you have to know about: ..." and I'm starting with a very popular word in the house right now, which is BAPER.
Some of you might say "Baper emang lagi zaman sekarang ini" and I think it is true. Lots of people talked and still talking about this baper thing, so it's kinda popular right now. Trust me, everyone had experienced this thing that we called baper. So, for some people who don't know what baper is, I'm here to tell you.
Baper adalah singkatan dari bawa perasaan.
Kata ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan perasaan di mana lo terlalu menganggap serius sesuatu.
contoh: 1. ketika lo jalan sama temen-temen lo. Terus ada teman lo yang cowok (in this case karena gue cewek) nganterin lo pulang dan lo mikirin itu, that means lo baper. 2. ketika lo buat status di segala medsos yang lo punya terus cowok yang lo suka ngelike dan lo ga bisa tidur gara-gara itu, that means lo baper tingkat tinggi.
But, baper is not always about love and relationship. Dalam kamus gue, baper itu juga berlaku buat hal-hal lain. contoh: lo lagi kerja kelompok, terus ide lo ga dipake buat presentasi dan lo ngambek gara-gara itu, ya itu lo juga baper.
Nah yang mau gue omongin di sini lebih ke buat relationship and love :) gue mau ngomongin kenapa sih cewek (I'm taking is as a girl, I don't know if a boy does anything like this too) suka baper ke cowok?
1. Gue pernah baca quote yang bilang: "cewek ga bakal baper kalo cowok ga caper". I'm not telling you this is true, but sometimes it happen. Ada banyak cewek di luar sana yang sebenernya cool-cool aja tapi karena ada yang dengan intens caper sama dia ya dia jadi baper. Masalahnya emang ada cowok yang beneran baik dan perhatian ke semua orang dan cewek-cewek sering salah tangkep. Ya ini nih yang bikin baper jadi masalah.
2. Teori gue yang sudah terujicoba berulang kali: Cewek ga bakal baper if she never think that a boy is cute or interesting or anything that catch their attention. Cewek yang baper sama cowok pasti udah merasa (walau sedikit) penasaran sama cowok yang dia baper-in. Kenapa gue bisa bilang gitu? Well, banyak cewek itu baper tentang masalah-masalah kecil kayak dichat, dilike fotonya atau statusnya, dianter pulang, dibayarin makan. Nah, ada beberapa kemungkinan yang bisa bikin cewek ga baper sama hal-hal kecil itu. Pertama, ketika cewek udah biasa ngeliat si cowok melakukan hal yang sama ke orang lain. That means you already know that he's a good guy, jadi lo ga baper karena toh dia juga baik ke semua orang kan? Kedua, ketika si cewek bener-bener ga suka sama cowok itu. Yeah, if they don't have any interest anything you would do won't affect them. Rasanya ya kayak ngomong ke diri sendiri "enggaklah, itu emang dia kayak gitu orangnya". But in fact, bisa aja cowok itu beneran ngelakuin itu buat dia aja. But she doesn't want to know. Nah buat yang udah pernah dia lirik walaupun sedikit itu kalo ngelakuin sedikit hal aja bisa berefek lebih besar buat si cewek. Kalo si cewek buat status dan dilike sama yang emang pernah dia lirik, kemungkinan besar, dia bakal baper. Tapi buat yang ga dia suka, even if he chat her everyday, everytime, she won't be baper. Jadi kalo cewek itu baper, maybe she really like this guy, or she hope this guy to like her.
To be honest, ya gue juga pernah baper. Tapi itu dulu. Haha. Now, I'll show up as a though lady. :P Baper itu malah memperkeruh suasana kadang-kadang buat gue. Ehm, enough about me and now I'm talking to you what you have to do if you feel baper. I'm not saying that baper is not good but, I think you should consider more about what you shold be baper-ing about. Maksud gue, kalo emang lo baper cuma karena hal-hal kecil yang maybe orang lain aja ga bakal notice it as a great thing, than you shold quit baper-ing. Sekedar dilike postnya itu menurut gue ya lumayan biasa. If you post a really hurting status and he just liking it, you don't have to baper-ing about that. If he really care about you he will ask you by chat or even a call. I'm just telling you what works for me: when I think I am getting baper about something, I start to think about that deeply. Should it really worth buat di baper-in? Kalo enggak, stop baper itu. Yes, I'm not that expert at dating and relationship things, but at least I want to live as a happy person. I know when I baper-ing something I feel like I think too much about it and it is not good. So, if it is not worth to be baper-ed you should not be baper about it. Quite simple, huh? :)
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