it's been a long long time after I post my last post. HI AGAIN! hehehhe
I felt really sorry because I really want to write some posts but I can't because I was so very busy last 3 weeks... I really enjoyed my day but some days of the weeks was destroyed by the un-normal exam. in the beginning I was surprised by my score for each subject. 8 for all it just like a big blaster to say : "hey gi, you can do something more than before right?" ...... but it just for the beginning. For other exam, it just same as a s**t. have to find another spirit for my soul.. I fels sooooo tired. I think I AM too tired to do something big like studying........ I know I can but, unfortunately last 3 weeks weren't mine! FIGHTING!
10 September 2012
15 July 2012
21 June 2012
how's my school?
sumpah gue sangat sangat pede pulang duluan. don't you think it's my own desicion but it's my dad's seriously. bokap yang pengen cepet2 jemput gue ga tau kenapa n kita terpaksa pulang naik bis. seru sih pengalaman yang sangat sangat menyenangkan apalagi bisnya bagus. nice nice. sekarnag gue seneng banget udah sampe di rumah. bisa tidur nyenyak di spring bed pklus dinginnya ac. nonton tiap hari dan berita bagusnya bisa tetep online. what a beautiful day. mana makanan enyaaak banget lagi.. applause to my mom! prokprokprok!!! she's the best laaa. gue minta ini jengjeng langsung ada di meja makan. gue minta itu jengjeng langsung ada di kulkas... :*:* banget deh!! but what happen in my school? rapot gue cuk apa kabar? masa gue udah pede aja pulang duluan padahal belom tau nilainya gimana? sumpah ga tau diri banget! but it's me.. always too confident! hahaha let see next month....
11 May 2012
06 May 2012
bad day good day
OMG .. blogger with new view makes me really confused. ckck. anyways.... I had a bad day. I 've got 40 on chemistry. It's the worst day ever! know what? I even had thought about cheating! gosh, thx God I didn't do that! need some rest, and I did it yerterday. Amplaz makes me really refresh. went there with my besties. We did so much fun! ate pasta or rice, playing and buying things...... but after that I lose a lot of penny... haha. told my mom that I need to cut my hair. and she told me to do some creambath things too. they will give me some extra cost to do some hair treatment.. nice nice! ~need to focus on citizen exam. I wouldn't miss this one! FIGHTINGIA!
22 April 2012
nbl effect

nice and my room mate take her pict with one of them! kelly purwanto (ever heard about him?) his so cool! OMG again!
I might have a mind to go to Indonesian Idol audition next session. I bet I would never ever regret that like now..
"Dreams gonna work" I believe that!
18 April 2012
I'm back!!
I'm back guys... hahaha long time no see right! ya ya ya it's a worst holiday with a chemical test~ gosh.. I hate this time! udah 1 hari belajar tapi ga ada yang masuk. ada sih tapi ya.... just a little bit. unyu banget ga? harus ngafal deret volta dkk. is it important? what is its influence for my job? gosh..... ya ya ya.. belajar emang penuh dengan realita kalo itu ga berhubungan sama apa yang bakal kita kerjain waktu udah lulus nanti. tau2 udah belajar susah2 gini cuma jadi ibu rumah tangga. atau cuma jadi guru musik. atau lebih parahnya jadi wirausaha. we don't know anything about our future right? so all we can do now just pray and do the best! ayo semangat belajar!!
17 March 2012
a new hope has arrived!
yes! is all about my new bike! thanks God bonyok udah setuju sesetuju setujunya beli sepeda. ini baru namanya new hope! hahaha.. udah beberapa kali ke jalan raya sih okeh2 aja, tapi masih takut kalo turunan. dan tiap minggu sekarang ke ugm buat latian... what a good weekend!
I believe everything is gonna be alright! and another good thing is : I've decided to move on! Udah lupa sama semuanya dan mudah mudahan aja bisa bener-bener lupa. There's a lot around here gi! haha... MOVE ON!
stece was born to win!

sumpah keren banget! semalem meskipun pergi dengan kaki babakbelur tapi ga nyesel deh!! I'm proud to be stece girl.. walau ga jadi supporter tapi nonton aja udah cukup. keren banget! dan akhirnya kita menang lagi. keren banget yaa! mana dancenya sumpah ga da cela! stece was born to win!
28 January 2012
a lot of preassure
I'm back after my holiday.. It's jogja again with all the problems inside it. rasanya pengen banget ga balik lagi tapi itu gak mungkin. Still doin' 1 and a half years here. I would do my best. nilai mulai meningkat *it's a good thing* dan akuu pikir aku gak terlalu setres seperti awal2 kemaren. and I just realized that it's just 1 term more and then we will be a twelveth grade students.. o come on, it's too fast than I thought before. ayo kita berjuang buat tahun ini dan tahun depan!! ciayo guys!!
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